Matthew Marsden designs can transform the whole house - libraries, boot rooms, studies, and bedrooms too.
Our individually designed and handcrafted bathrooms really are the height of luxury. Our designers have access to an array of different materials to make your bathroom as beautiful as it is practical.
Envelope yourself within our wonderful bedroom furniture as you relax after the stresses of the day. We can design the perfect bedroom for you with ingenious storage ideas to allow your bedroom space to be clutter free and tranquil.
An absolute necessity for the country loving family. Our boot room furniture was born from many years of personally searching for the right combination of practicality and style. Store all your outdoor gear in a fashion that is agreeable to the eye as well as practical.
Watch the latest blockbuster from the luxury of your own home. Our cinema & media room furniture will provide the perfect partner for your audio-visual equipment. Enhance your viewing experience with the addition of our wall panelling, lighting ideas and storage ideas.
Why settle for anything less? Your incredibly busy business and personal lifestyle requires an amount of organisation. Our designers will create the perfect environment so you can efficiently coordinate your schedules and affairs with ease.